Thursday, January 26, 2012

Planting English seeds in Florida?

I have seeds for sweet pea, forget-me-not, and hollyhock. I realize these have little, if any, chance of doing well in Florida, but I want to try, so what would be the best month to plant them? I'm in Central Florida. thanks :)
Planting English seeds in Florida?
Actually all these plants should grow in Florida. You just need to be a little more particular when and where you plant them!!!

Hollyhock seeds should be planted in the ground in late summer or early fall (for next year's flowers). After they have flowered, cut the stalk to about 9 inches from the ground, continue to feed and water to encourage late summer re-bloom. I would try planting some in full sun and some in partial shade to see which do best. Needs regular water.

Forget-me-nots grow best in cool, moist areas, so I would definitely grow these in partial shade. Keep well watered. I would plant these seeds in late summer or early fall. These plants self seed.

For sweet peas, depending on the type you have (early flowering or spring flowering) you should plant between late summer/ early fall or late fall /early winter. If you don't know which you have, I would plant them after it has cooled off in your area. To hasten germination, soak the seeds for a few hours before planting.

Good Luck!!
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