Breakfast - half-jar of bananas %26amp; 4 oz of milk.
Snack - 3 oz bottle
Lunch - half-jar of veggies (peas or yams) 3 oz bottle
Snack - 3 oz bottle
Dinner - half-jar of something from the day before (peas or yams or bananas) 3 oz bottle
Night feedings - two 5-6 oz bottle
Does this sound appropriate to you?
PS He refused to eat baby cereal even if I mix something into it. Do you think he will be okay without baby cereal right now?? Did your baby ever refuse cereal? My first child LOVED cereal.
Does this sound like normal eatting habits for a four-month-old?
As long as he is getting 24-32oz a day.I did'nt introduce solids until 6mths.My doctor always said at 4mths they could have cereal but did'nt need the sugar that is in baby food at such a young age.If he likes it %26amp; seems satisfied,im sure he is fine.My 15mth old loved his cereal,my now 5yr old did'nt want much 2 do with it.They say that the cereal is his grain %26amp; should eat 2-3tbsp a day.If he does'nt like it you can't force him to eat it.Just keep offering it.Have you tryed mixing it up with diluted pear juice??He may like it better than mixed with formula.
Reply:He need to get 25-30 ounces of fluid a day.Take away some of the food if he doesn't get at least that much.
Reply:yes.give him what he wishes to eat.
Reply:Your not suppost to give your baby regular milk until he is a year old. Anyway, my son also hated the rice cereal until I tried making it with just water instead of using the formula. I would contact the baby's doctor and see what the suggest you do.
Reply:This is fine for him as long as he is getting some formula his taste buds have been stimulated and he likes it milk is boring to him at the moment but keep giving it to him as he still does need it in his diet but the amounts you are giving him are fine so don't worry the solid foods are filling him so he only needs to take less milk but this could change again when he grows good luck
Is that a picture of him he is gorgeous well done he looks perfectly healthy to me and plenty of baby fat on him which is good
Reply:I personally think he needs more formula per day they are suppose to have more of that then solids up to age one. On the cereal topic my son would barely touch the stuff he had no intrest in what so ever. I really couldn't blame him it looks kinda gross personally. Every baby is different just like you and I are when it comes to taste one child may love bananas like your son while another my think they are the yuckiest thing in the world. Good luck.
Reply:Sounds about right. If you're worried offer him formula more often. He won't let himself starve. If he's growing normally then he's fine. The ounces do seem to add up to the appx 25oz mark for his age.
Reply:yes this is fine he is cutting out the formula himself because he dont need as much any more this is what my little brother did.
Reply:No, it doesn't sound normal. While it might be more convenient for you, he may not be getting all the fat and protein his little body needs. 4 months old is seriously a bit young for that kind of a diet, IMO.
In order for his brain to develop properly he needs the fat, his body needs the proteins to grow and his bones and teeth need the calcium. He's not going to get enough of those things from fruits and veggies.
Talk to you son's ped and see what his recommendations are.
Reply:I feel your baby is getting enough formula (i.e 24 - 32 0z ), and a lot of baby food.
U can cut down maybe one feeding of soild and try to give more formula .
Another thing u can make sure is that you do not increase the amount of soild food you give him for sometime and try to increase the amount of formula.
I too started soild for my baby girl at 4 months and I feel that was the biggest mistake I did as she simply loved her cereal and veggies and absolutely refused formula.
So I had to stop the soilds completely and now that she is 5 1/2 months old I am giving her soilds again but in very small quantities.
My daughter too loved her cereal ,
Just make sure the formula you give him has Iron as he is missing out on iron fortified cereal.
Reply:Yes you are doing just fine. Ever baby is different he has different tastes then his sister. Just like you have different tastes then you husband. As long as he has normal bowl and bladder movements, he will be just fine. My kids are 15,11,9,3, and 3 months old. And my mom had nine, here dad was the town doctor, and he said if the kid is hunger then feed him what he likes at lest he is eating and growing health and strong. Lots of luck. enjoy them now.
Reply:omg that baby eats a lot for such a young age it is reccomended that you try to hold off weening a baby till as close to 6 months ask your health care worker she will be able to give you right advice
Reply:Those who are saying he is too young to start eating solids havent had a kid in a while.
My doctor said three months was a great time to start. However, my son was born 20 inches, but grew 4 inches and 6 pounds in two months. He was drinking about 10 ounces of formula every four hours. My doctor recommended half a thing of baby food before at least two of his feedings. Now he is doing great. Doesnt cry for more food, and still gets his formula afterwards.
Reply:Well he is liking to eat. He is still only four moths old. He needs his formula. Ask his doctor how much formula he should be taking in along with the feedings. At this age though the food fills him more he should dtill be taking more formula. Remember dont feed to much food his belly is only the size of his little fist if that so if he is getting to much or to many solid feeds in one day then his belly will be full and he will surley refuse the bottle. Hopefully I have helped I am a mother of 4 and know it is difficult to figure feedings out sometime but we have to set the feeding scale not let them. Feed him what he needs but make sure you get the formula in there. Get the exact amount he needs from his doctor they do know him as good as you do.
Reply:i think he is eating just fine, he seems to be getting a balanced diet, main thing is if he is doing well health wise (gaining weight as supposed to) check with the doctor but if he says its ok Id go with it.
ice skates
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