Friday, January 27, 2012

Can Guinea pigs eat these?

I have some treats I'd like to give them,but I'm not sure if they're totally safe.they have all been washed of any dusting and dirt.

i have:

baby carrots

radishes(fully grown)

yellow apples

sweet peas


and watermellon.

I've heard radishes ain't very good for them...And i want to play ti safe.I've had the cavys for about a month.
Can Guinea pigs eat these?
Not sure about radishes, but if you heard they aren't good then don't give it to them.

But other than that, the rest sound alright.

EXCEPT, if you give them lettuce, you have to make sure it's Romaine lettuce. They can't have iceberg.
Reply:they should be okaii but also they lovee cucumber, corn on the cob, spinach as well and have you ever heard of curly leaf kale because they DO like that
Reply:my guinea pig ate all that and he lived longer than the average life span. make sure you give him them as a treat or small bunches a lil every day or he might get the runs. go to but yes that stuff is fine. they have a large quantity of foods listed there.

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