Monday, January 30, 2012

Boys -- I need your opinion!?

I want to get all the same scented stuff, like the same scented shampoo, handsoap, lotion, air freshener in my room, and perfume. I'm not sure which one I want, so guys, what scent do you think is the most attractive on girls? Like, coconut-lime, mango/citrus, vanilla, rasberry, sweet pea, or something else?
Boys -- I need your opinion!?
man stench will smell good to guys no matter what you use... go with something you like and feel comfortable with... but personally, I am a mango/citrus guy.
Reply:Vanilla is the best smelling thing in the world when you open a bottle of real vanilla and take a deep inhale -- but the fake vanilla smell found in all manner of consumer schlock is horrible!! Coconut smells a little too beachy (like suntan oil or something). Sweet pea sounds nice.
Reply:i'm not a guy.. but vanilla's hot!!
Reply:well firstly, boys put aftershave on - not perfume, and that hugo boss thing is really good and joop, but you want something that can attract women and have it all over you. well believe it or not urine (your piss) acts like perfume to girls, so call your friends over n tell em 2 piss n a bucket n den do wat u do bes wid it - jus don't drink it....
Reply:Mango I like eating mango so well thats my opinion
Reply:mango = mancum
Reply:Sweet Pea :) very nice smell
Reply:Jack Daniels.
Reply:definately citrus for the facilities. maybe raspberry for your hair, of what you have listed I dont care for the rest.
Reply:ummm... my sis uses this perfume...i think its jasmine and it smells good... in my opinion
Reply:Forget Coco stuff. it stinks. Most of the rubbish you mention are for whorehouses. A good perfume from Harrods would soon infuse your cloths and bedding, then phone me.
Reply:I love strawberry it's really sweet to smell and it is really fruity.
Reply:I'm not a guy but I know for a fact that cinnamon attracts men's attention. A hint of cinnamon, though not pure.
Reply:Dont bother what guys think . Use pachoulli and attract me !
Reply:GOD do NOT Get vanilla. a LITTLE vanilla is ok but when u sit there smelling it for a while u start getting a headache and its terrible. get anything else seriously.
Reply:'Farmyard' by Goya. Gorgeous, ah! the fresh outdoors.
Reply:Good old soap and water, brushed teeth, clean breath, clean clothes, neat and clean hair, clean shoes, clean language.
Reply:Definitely Vanilla.
Reply:A clean smell does it for me.
Reply:My Friend Emma always reccomends Coconut, she adores it

(May I be the first to ward you off 'Joop' It smells revolting and is way too common these days.)
Reply:Hey I'm a girl, I think vanilla+strawberry goes really good. Double!
Reply:boy, it must be a really slow day in "news and events."
Reply:PLEASE QUIT trying to smell like a bowl of fruit.

LAVENDER. Soft and subtle. Romantic and sweet. Sexy and eleagant.
Reply:I like chips.

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