Getting my 17 month old son to eat adult food?
Usually around this age toodlers only like finger foods because they like doing everything by themselves. I have a son 15 months old and he is the same way. Just offer him different snacks and maybe he will eat them, you can't force them though. I figure as long as they are getting something in there stomach
Reply:The Gerber graduate foods don't taste very good, my daughter didn't like them and I hardly ever used them with her and I never used them with my son. He's 17 months and he eats the same as the rest of us, he hasn't had baby food since before he was a year old. Try giving him foods he can eat with his fingers for every meal. Does he eat with you so that he sees you eating the same things? Small pieces of soft fruit are good to try, he may like the naturally sweet taste. Also try things like toast that he can chew on. Even with only a few teeth they can eat pretty well, my son has just got his 9th tooth and there's not much he can't eat.
Reply:I cut the adult food into tiny pieces with my girls when they were little and made a game out of eating it with them. They loved it. They are teens now and we just had a new baby boy last month and his sisters can't wait to try the food game with him!
Reply:I agree with becky - just offer the same things you are eating, gerber graduates aren't the best tasting and he's old enough you should be able to just feed him what you're eating. You might also try cut up peaches and pears (the ones canned in juice only, not syrup). My son loved pieces of grilled chicken, canned carrot slices, frozen green beans (he liked them frozen or thawed, just make sure your son can chew them if they're frozen - they like the cold crunchiness of them), pieces of steamed broccoli (they look fun and kids don't really know they're supposed to dislike it unless you're making faces) and pasta noodles without sauce (so they can pick them up without being messy). try sliced strawberries too - they're sweet and kids love them.
If he's really resistant (or just likes doing the opposite of what you want him to do) you might actually try telling him he CAN'T have what you're having. Just a side conversation with someone else, or if it's just you two then a comment like "it's too bad you can't eat the chicken and carrots I made tonight, it's really good. I'm sure you'll be happy when you can have this kind of food instead." Sometimes just the idea that they can't have it will make them insistent on eating it. Good luck!
Reply:I have a 19 month old and he would not eat the graduates either. I just figured he thought the food was bland. LOL I just give him what we are eating. Sometimes if I make him (for example) a hamburger he will not eat it but if he eats it off our plate he will. Not sure why but maybe he thinks that he is still getting the bland food and we are getting the good stuff.
Reply:Forget about Gerber and give the poor kid some real food. Have you tasted the Gerber stuff? It's really gross, seriously. Just give him whatever you are eating (as long as you're not eating candy bars for lunch!) and see what he does with it. By 17 months, he should be able to eat whatever you are eating.
Reply:I know this is trickery..but when I want my kids to eat something new, I make a big deal about how good it is and tell the kid that it's big kid food...when they see that you like it they like it too! If they think it's something special they will want it, then I offer just a small taste and pretend they can't have more, then they always want for me every time
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