Sunday, February 5, 2012

If you like broccoli...?

I'm trying to expand my vegetable repertoire, but I'm a little picky. I love broccoli, but not cauliflower. I love asparagus, but only crisp steamed, I loathe it canned. I don't care for most canned veggies except peas. I love fresh spinach and romaine, but not iceberg lettuce. I love white corn, sweet peas, sugar snap peas in pods when their steamed, and french cut green beans. I love artichoke, but hate marinated artichoke hearts. I only like peppers in very specific ways. I also eat tons of avocados (I know they're a fruit, but the taste applies). Looking at my tastes, what else should I be trying?
If you like broccoli...?
Try arugula, cabbage, and sweet snap peas.
Reply:onion soup
Reply:did you ever try Romanesco? it is a broccoli/cauliflower hybrid
Reply:There is a whole world of veggies that you are denying yourself of! How about Mushrooms?? I simply adore grilled Portabella mushrooms! What about zucchini and squash? Potatoes are another that are so versatile and they don't have to be fried to be divine!! I recently tried eggplant, and it is very good. Spinach and broccoli are my faves as well, so I assume at least some of these will appeal! I have tons of great recipe ideas if you would like them!!
Reply:Carrots. Definitely carrots. Peas, white corn and haricots (french green beans) are slightly sweet, similar to carrots. Baby carrots are best. I use a frozen mix of peas and baby carrots, all I need to do is to is to cook it for a minute in bit of hot water.

You also seem to have a pattern of liking only veggies with very little flavour (or that are bitter or sweet). In this case try to befriend zucchini (courgettes). I cut them up and steam-fry them in a pan with a bit of oil, then smother them in a cheese sauce or use this recipe:

1-4 salmon steaks (or fillets without skin - fillets are better)

1-3 green zucchini/courgettes

1-4 carrots (normal, not baby)

tomato paste (1-2 teaspoons)

Peal the carrots and chop the veggies into slices. The slices for the carrots should be thin and only half as thick as the slices for the courgettes. Heat a large pan, coat with a tablespoon of oil, fry the salmon in it until the outside has changed colour. Take the salmon out, put the veggies in, stir-fry for a few minutes. Then pour in some water, add tomato paste and the salmon and cook everything until it is done.
Reply:What about Grean Beans and Squash???
Reply:You have named no root crops like carrots, radishes, potatoes, turnips, parsnips and so forth. You are definitely missing yellow veggies such as squash which is high in vitamin A. The best thing is try a spoonful and maybe you will like it. If not hold off for awhile and then try it again. Prepare them in different ways.

For Thanksgiving Dinner.....?

Turkey %26amp; Dressing, mashed potatoes %26amp; giblet gravy, cranberry sauce, sweet peas, creamed corn cassarole, glazed carrots, dinner rolls, tea and pecan pie.


Ham, potatoe salad, sweet potatoes with marshmellows, stuffed acorn squash, fruit salad, deviled eggs, french bread, tea and German Chocolate cake.
For Thanksgiving Dinner.....?
The initial selection, please. Mmmmmmmmmmm.......
Reply:i like the old tradition, so i'm going to have to vote for the first fine selection.
Reply:I like turkey Chicken and veggies.
Reply:The first menu sounds similar to what we usually have, but the second sounds good..I want to take a little from both! lol
Reply:yor'e making me hungry but i will go with no:1
Reply:turkey and dressing etc.....very much looking forward to it....

YUCKY green beans!!?

I just started my son on veggies. He does not seem to like green beans and sweet peas. He seems to prefer sweet potatoes and squash.

Is it ok to eliminate the green veggies from his diet?? OR should I continue to feed it to him even though he makes funny faces and does not open his mouth eagerly?
YUCKY green beans!!?
I would continue to give him the "yucky" green beans and sweet peas. He will need to have this in his diet and will eventually get used to them.
Reply:I usually wait a couple of weeks and then I introduce it again. If still no go, I do the same thing again. Later- I mix those veggies in with other foods so she will still get them.
Reply:I would continue to offer the green vegetables, but you may have to make them more appealing. Put a small amount of green beans in with his apple sauce, or in a preferred vegetable. When he is older mix them with his meats. Often babies read our facial cues to determine how they feel about people, places and yes foods. When presenting foods, make sure you do not show a dislike for the food. My children all loved squash as babies, and now love squash and zucchini, I can not stand either. I have cooked them for them always, but I have never eaten a bite. They also love chocolate another item I detest.
Reply:keep tryin
Reply:Try mixing it with a veggie he enjoys. Or, mix it with a meat
Reply:The funny face he makes is a natural reaction. He's trying to get used to the taste. It may take him 5 to 10 times of eating a certain food to get used to it and to eat it. But, don't lose heart. Eventually he'll like them.
Reply:Try 5 times consecutively, no he wont starve. If he is still wiping it on mommy try to mix it with something, even if you think sweet peas and squash is revolting it should be given a shot. Consecutively is the key, though. And if he still truns up his nose respect his preference, try at a later time. Whole peas are definitly more appealing.
Reply:I would keep trying periodically, but don't push it too much.

My daughter had a few things she didnt' like when we were starting solids. Some things, like peas, she has grown to like and even asks for them now. But she has never liked green beans... she's 4 now and still can't stand them. Even when I try to hide them in something, she can still taste "something yucky in there!"

Babies need lots of time to experiment with food, that's why we start solids around 6 months so they have a taste for all the flavors when they need to have real food as their main source of nutrition after their first birthday. So keep trying, but remember that we all have different tastes and preferances for food.

Baby's eating preferences...?

Is it normal for an 8 month old to like every baby food you give him?!?!?! He has his favorites like broccoli and chicken, sweet peas or spinach, he will gobble down faster but he will eat anything. When he first started eating baby food he didn't care for fruit too much, then when he started dinners around 6- 6 1/2 months he didn't really like any dinners that weren't just a meat and a veggie (like beef dumpling dinner for example) but he got over it fast. I am thinking its a good thing, he doesn't over eat. I just wondered because I see people asking questions saying their baby won't eat this or that. He is my first so I was just curious and wondering if I just lucked out.
Baby's eating preferences...?
Yes, it's normal, but you are still very lucky to have such a great eater! I have one also and everywhere I go, people marvel at the things he will eat. However, now at 13 months, I'm noticing that is changing....he does not like meats and has more of a preference for fruits over veggies. BUT, he is still a very healthy eater %26amp; will try anything once. The key also is to offer a variety of healthy foods and don't give up when your baby decides that they don't like something one day...the next day, they might like it. Best wishes!
Reply:My son is the same way. I have yet to find anything he doesn't like. I consider myself blessed!
Reply:you definetly lucked out!! if your child will eat some of those nasty tasting baby foods :) lol then you shouldnt have any problem getting him to eat his vegetables when he gets older! enjoy the fact that you dont have to say the " he wont eat this and this and this and this and only this if it has this and this to go along with it" congrats on such a good eater and good luck :)
Reply:They say that a child isn't born with preferences but learns them by watching others. Encourage a healthy, well rounded diet and don't let your kid see you turn up your nose at a food- especially a healthy one- and you're baby will thank you for life.
Reply:My 1st and 2nd kids were very daughter would only eat puddings from 4-6months!

My last baby though, is 8months old and he will eat anything......he doesn't even eat mashed stuff now he's moved straight to finger food. Luckily he has 6 teeth lol!

I reckon it's just luck ;o) Good eaters are fab!
Reply:Your baby is opposite mine. My 8 month old was crazy about the fruit baby food and nothing else. Then recently, about a month ago he got hooked on vegetables. Everything I give him, he eats. You just lucked out. I'm glad you don't have such a picky but voracious eater. Keep up the good work!

  • laura mercier
  • Well lets eat something else instead of turkey...will it be???

    Chicken Fried Steak, Mashed Potatoes %26amp; Gravy, Biscuits, Green Beans, tea/coffee, and Cherry pie


    Grilled Lemon Pepper Chicken, Fried Rice, Sweet Peas, Fruit Salad, tea/coffee, and Coconut Cake
    Well lets eat something else instead of turkey...will it be???
    I would choose the second one with the lemon chicken etc... Thanks for the invite.
    Reply:I'd like fried rice.
    Reply:Tis the season and I would like beef rapure pie!!...Tea...and strawberry shortcake..and milk..
    Reply:the first option sounds the best
    Reply:how about ham!!!
    Reply:Even fish sticks or McNuggets sound good at this point.
    Reply:TACO BELLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Reply:Grilled Lemon Pepper Chicken, Fried Rice, Sweet Peas, Fruit Salad, tea/coffee, and Coconut Cake

    For the South Beach dieters!!!?

    am i allowed to have sweet peas?
    For the South Beach dieters!!!?
    Yes, you are allowed to have sweet peas. From

    Now what? I planted in my carefully prepared soil outside my kitchen window?

    with a wigwam made out of hazel with what I though were sweet peas bought from my local garden centre (sold as seet peas). I was looking at them today and I realised they are not sweet peas but garden peas. Though I love garden peas I had expected a wonderfull display of sweet peas to look at out of kitchen window.

    What can grown once the peas have been and gone or should I cut my losses and look for a climber for my trellis...please though no more clematis.
    Now what? I planted in my carefully prepared soil outside my kitchen window?
    You can still plant your sweet peas or anything else for that matter. The garden peas are fast growers and are "done" by the time the weather heats up. Because they are legumes, they also add nitrogen to the soil which benefits anything else grown there.
    Reply:First eat and enjoy the peas. They will get nice flowers, too!!

    Then try a Caroline Jasmine (Gelsemium Sempervirens) which comes in 8in pots from nurseries up to about the end of August. They are supposed to be spring flowering but will probably in flower when you buy it.

    Grows to about 8 feet, small glossy leaves and one-inch open yellow flowers, BEAUTIFUL perfume. I have mine going crazy up a bamboo wigwam, from a shrub pot on the terrace. Didn't get attacked by any of the bugs that destroyed everything else last year, either, so it's low maintenance.
    Reply:Try cherry tomatoes, the vining varieties, the peas roots fix nitrogen in the soil and if you till the tops in after their done your tomatoes will love you.. the vine tomatoes get very dramatic cherry clusters like grapes and you can train them to a trellis I have had plants up to 15 to 20 feet long and had more tomatoes then i could use and that made my neighbors happy
    Reply:**** my lund
    ice skates