Sunday, February 5, 2012

My african gray is poop.. parrot breeders answer only?

my african gray has been poopin red... before it was brown but the wet part tht comes out is like a bright red... and the poop is red.. i am feeding her carrots and sweet peas, is the coloring normal or can i tell a differnce between food die or real blood? is there such that as internal bleeding over food or anything? she acts nice though she climbs around and talk... she has fell a time or two but on her feet? what should i do? could it be the food im feeding her? or could something be wrong?
My african gray is poop.. parrot breeders answer only?
The color of a bird's droppings do become very reddish with some fruit and vegetable consumption, however, you can take a couple of steps to test whether your concern is warranted. Take away the fresh foods and spend the rest of the evening offering your bird nothing but his normal food.

Watch him for signs of weakness and fever, like fluffed feathers, or sitting too low on his perch. Watch him also for signs of pain, like unprovoked nipping, unusual mood or strange activities. If he appears otherwise fine and the color of his droppings isn't darker or more blood-like, you can head to bed instead of rushing to an animal ER. Check him again in the morning. If they haven't returned to their normal color, take him immediately to the vet.

Get a little memo pad and make notes of things like this for future reference. It will help you tell in the future whether your bird needs care.
Reply:The keratine (sp) in the carrots could discolor feces, but I can't imagine it causing bright red feces. I would suggest you take your bird to a vet. Asking for advice in that regard from so called "parrot breeders" on here could prove to be deadly to your bird. Take her/him to the vet and follow a trained veterinarian's advise.
Reply:uh ho that's bad

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