Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Starting a baby on solids?

i have a 5 month old son and we have recently started him on solids after his doctor advised us to due to his size and interest in food. i have been giving him the following every day: 6 or 7 ounce bottle every 3 to 4 hours, sometimes he lasts 5 hours before the next bottle. 1 and a half hour after his morning bottle i feed him 1 fruit (usually apple sauce, peaches, or bananas) and some baby cereal mixed with formula. for lunch (after his bottle) he gets 1 fruit and 1 vegetable (usually sweet potatos, green beans, sweet peas, or carrots). for dinner, i just repeat what he got for lunch. we're using gerber organic foods right now, but i will eventually get a food processor. he seems to really like the foods, especially the vegetables. does this seem like a reasonable schedule and amount of food to start with? he is still getting the same amount of milk and he sleeps better at night now. he is 28 inches long and over 17 pounds. thank you
Starting a baby on solids?
my boy is a big boy like yours. at 5 months he was 18 pounds and 27 inches long. he had 4 bottles a day of about 7oz and one or sometimes two solid feeds of about half a jar each. hes now 6 and half months and im thinking about introducing a third solid feed. he seems to love it. honestly though you just let your boys hunger be your guide. if he's hungry then feed him. our boys sound like they will be very tall so they obviously need it.
Reply:wow thats alot. my 6 month old 22lb. baby breastfeeds every 4 hours and eats 4oz of baby food for lunch. somedays he doesn't finish the jar, or take any babyfood at all.
Reply:I have a five months old too, who has just started on solids not that long ago. I think the most important thing is they are still drinking the same amount of milk because up until 12 months milk should be their main source of food. But with solids, my little one eats sooooo much!! She just loves food, I always offer it to her a few minutes after she has her milk. They will let you know when they are full. I usually give her fruit mixed with cereal for breakfast and a vegie at dinner time, we are adding lunch in soon. But what and when you feed them is up to you.

Reply:sounds good to me. my 6 month old is on food 2.

if hes doing good with it then. its good your baby will

lt you know if its to much or to little.
Reply:I agree. That sounds good.

My 6 month is eating 3 of the Stage 2 meals a day and 4 of the 6 oz bottles a day as well.

Sounds like your baby is very healthy and has a good appetite.

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