Sunday, February 5, 2012

YUCKY green beans!!?

I just started my son on veggies. He does not seem to like green beans and sweet peas. He seems to prefer sweet potatoes and squash.

Is it ok to eliminate the green veggies from his diet?? OR should I continue to feed it to him even though he makes funny faces and does not open his mouth eagerly?
YUCKY green beans!!?
I would continue to give him the "yucky" green beans and sweet peas. He will need to have this in his diet and will eventually get used to them.
Reply:I usually wait a couple of weeks and then I introduce it again. If still no go, I do the same thing again. Later- I mix those veggies in with other foods so she will still get them.
Reply:I would continue to offer the green vegetables, but you may have to make them more appealing. Put a small amount of green beans in with his apple sauce, or in a preferred vegetable. When he is older mix them with his meats. Often babies read our facial cues to determine how they feel about people, places and yes foods. When presenting foods, make sure you do not show a dislike for the food. My children all loved squash as babies, and now love squash and zucchini, I can not stand either. I have cooked them for them always, but I have never eaten a bite. They also love chocolate another item I detest.
Reply:keep tryin
Reply:Try mixing it with a veggie he enjoys. Or, mix it with a meat
Reply:The funny face he makes is a natural reaction. He's trying to get used to the taste. It may take him 5 to 10 times of eating a certain food to get used to it and to eat it. But, don't lose heart. Eventually he'll like them.
Reply:Try 5 times consecutively, no he wont starve. If he is still wiping it on mommy try to mix it with something, even if you think sweet peas and squash is revolting it should be given a shot. Consecutively is the key, though. And if he still truns up his nose respect his preference, try at a later time. Whole peas are definitly more appealing.
Reply:I would keep trying periodically, but don't push it too much.

My daughter had a few things she didnt' like when we were starting solids. Some things, like peas, she has grown to like and even asks for them now. But she has never liked green beans... she's 4 now and still can't stand them. Even when I try to hide them in something, she can still taste "something yucky in there!"

Babies need lots of time to experiment with food, that's why we start solids around 6 months so they have a taste for all the flavors when they need to have real food as their main source of nutrition after their first birthday. So keep trying, but remember that we all have different tastes and preferances for food.

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